What is it?
When submitting Expense Reports in Concur, The Admin Department (level 8) will drive workflow routing to the Initial Reviewer, when applicable. You should update your Concur Profile to include a default Admin Department for your Expense Reports. The Admin Department in your Concur Profile will be pre-populated from PAC, if it was available. In addition, you can change the Admin Department within an Expense Report if it needs to be different from the one in your Profile.
In order to select an Admin Department in Concur, it must be budget valid. If your Admin Department is not available for selection in Concur, work with the appropriate colleague(s) in your Department to ensure that the Administrative Department is budget valid.
Who’s it for?
Anyone who needs to submit an Expense Report in Concur.
To update your Concur Profile:
1. Click Profile and Profile Settings on the top right of your screen.