How do I view the approval status of my Expense Report?

Learn how to view the approval status of your Expense Report.

November 17, 2020
What is it?

You can use the Report Timeline feature to view the approval status of an Expense Report

Who’s it for?

Anyone who has submitted an Expense Report.

How do I do it? 

1. Log into Concur and click the Expense tab. Your Active Reports (currently being worked on or submitted into workflow) appear.

Screenshot of the Concur managing expenses page.

2. Click the Expense Report you want to view.

3. Click the Report Details dropdown and select Report Timeline.

Screenshot of the Concur pending cost object approval page.

The Report Timeline screen displays the Approval Flow and the Report Summary showing the Approval status and the actions taken on your Expense Report.

Screenshot of the Concur report timeline.