How do I search for a Concur transaction in ARC?

Searching for a concur transaction in ARC

December 15, 2020
What is it?

You can search ARC for Vouchers associated with Concur transactions The Concur Report Key maps to the ARC Invoice ID and can be used in ARC to search for the Voucher associated with the Concur transaction. Refer to the Looking up Concur Transactions in ARC and FDS job aid for more detailed information.

Who’s it for?

Anyone who needs to view the status of a Voucher in ARC associated with a Concur transaction.

How do I do it? 

In order to look up the ARC Voucher associated with a fully approved Concur transaction, you must find the Concur Report Key for the Expense Report.

1. In Concur, click the Expense tab. The Report Library View displays Active Expense Reports.

screen shot of expense tab

2. Click the View dropdown and select the desired view.

Screenshot of active reports

The search results appear.

screenshot of search results

3. Click the row of the desired Expense Report to view.

Screenshot of Print/Share dropdown.

4. Click the Print/Share dropdown and select CU Detailed Report w/ Summary. The CU Detailed Report w/ Summary window displays the Report Key.

Screenshot of The CU Detailed Report w/ Summary window displays the Report Key

Once you know the Report Key, you can use it to find the Voucher in ARC.

1. In ARC, navigate to Main Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry.

2. Click the Find an Existing Value tab.

screenshot of finding an existing value in ARC

3.   Enter the Report Key from the Expense Report into the Invoice Number field.

4.   In the Origin field, enter CNR.

5.   Click Search. Vouchers that begin with the same invoice numbers appear in the search results.

Screenshot of search results.

Depending on the Concur transaction type, the Invoice Number will display the Concur Report Key appended with an R, A, or C. Refer to the ARC Voucher to Concur Field Mapping section of the Looking up Concur Transactions in ARC and FDS job aid for details.
